Mote has developed a billion-ton carbon removal solution that produces clean hydrogen, fueling a new era in domestic energy production.

Our technology and plant economics have been validated or funded by industry leaders.

Mote's technology uses proven components in a proprietary design.

Born from ground-breaking research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that culminated in the award-winning report Getting to Neutral, Mote’s design is built on a novel approach to turning woody waste biomass into hydrogen and permanently storable CO2.  

Mote’s international patents improve upon existing designs by increasing efficiency, including a 10% increase in H2 production, a 9% improvement in throughput process integrations that cut carbon losses by half.

Our design can be used in critical forestry management, agricultural waste management, redundant off-grid energy support with fuel cells, and in zero-emissions hydrogen fueling applications.

Mote's technology displaces emissions from field burning and landfilling, helping to reduce wildfire risk. We also enable zero-emissions heavy duty trucks and equipment, replacing diesel fuel with pure biohydrogen.

Mote’s integrated team is expert in energy, gasification, H2 fueling, project construction and CCS.

Dr. Josh Stolaroff

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

Joan Dunlap

Chief Financial Officer

David Mittelstadt

Senior Vice President of Resources

Erika Pham

Vice President of Strategy

Alison Chen

Director of Process Engineering

John Grabowski

Vice President of Capital Projects

Du Nguyen

Senior Research Manager

Board of Directors

Travis Lane

Joffre Baker

Tom Preston-Werner

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